What did you do last week?

In my case, there was a the usual – I ordered DNA primers, sequenced some DNA, went through that sequence and assembled it into my model… I cooked some dinner, slept some. But last week was punctuated with something a little different.

Monday morning, the first new episode of my old radio show The Inoculated Mind Radio and Mindcast, aired on the local Madison student station, WSUM.  The show was pre-recorded the week before, because I was not going to be in Madison to do it live.

The same day, I was visiting the San Francisco Bay Area with Anastasia, zooming around the City, meeting up with PZ Myers, and oh yeah – having dinner with Michael Pollan at Chez Panisse! My review is up, as well as Anastasia’s.

As for the show, I used to host the Mindcast here on this blog, however, I have built a completely new site called Inoculated Media dedicated to hosting the show. So if you were once a listener be sure to bookmark the new location. I’m starting to branch out into making more science media stuff, and Inoculated Media will be the repository of those efforts. Expect a slough of videos. A lot of them will be made for the Biofortified plant genetics blog, but some will just be little things I find interesting enough to produce something about. I will post updates here.

With my plant genetics blogging happening exclusively at Biofortified, and with Inoculated Media taking over the Mindcast, what will the future of this blog be? I’m thinking about something more along the lines of an online portfolio – a place to collect the things that I have produced into one location, interspersed with a few updates about my education progress and other issues I feel like writing about. The inner workings of the blog are in need of a serious update, as soon as Biofortified gets its new look I’ll turn my attention to cleaning things up over here.

Published by

Karl Haro von Mogel

Karl Haro von Mogel serves as BFI’s Director of Science and Media and as Co-Executive Editor of the Biofortified Blog. He has a PhD in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics from UW-Madison with a minor in Life Sciences Communication. He is currently a Postdoctoral Scholar researching citrus genetics at UC Riverside.